Dr. Raj Kanna is a consultant Orthopaedic and Knee surgeon, who have made a mark in the field of Orthopedics with his success stories.

Our Clinics

Kanna’s Clinic is an Exclusive Knee Clinic located at the heart of Chennai City (South India), Delivering the most advanced, yet affordable treatment for arthritis and Sports injuries of the Knee Joint . While a variety of options are available today both in traditional and alternative medicine for management of knee pain, most of these options are incomplete and sub-optimal. Patients move from hospital to hospital and from doctor to doctor in search of pain relief often without desired results. The need for a comprehensive knee pain management center was obvious and with this in mind Dr Kanna started his exclusive knee clinic in 2010 at Anna Nagar. The Porur branch was eventually started in 2023.
Dr.Raj Kanna's Knee and Ortho Clinic,
Anna Nagar

Knee Joints are the most important of all joints in our body because of the crucial role they play during ambulation and other day to day activities. And so, because of that the knees are exposed to very high stresses during activities leading in the course of time to wear and tear resulting in what we call “Arthritis”. To help people fight against arthritis and various other problems related to the knee joint India has “Kanna’s Knee Clinic”, an exclusive referral center, located in Chennai, the medical hub of India. The clinic offers specialized care for arthritis, ligament injuries and various other knee disorders by delivering the latest and best in knee care for every patient.
Dr.Raj Kanna's Knee and Ortho Clinic, Porur

Our Services

  • a) Preventive knee care by creating community awareness
  • b) Conditioning program for athletes to avoid injuries
  • c) Early & Accurate diagnosis and strategies to prevent disease progression
  • d) Non-surgical management including Life style modifications
  • e) Minimally invasive techniques (PRP) to enhance cartilage healing.
  • f) Surgical Management of arthritis :computer navigation technology
  • g) Surgical management of knee injuries :key-hole technique
  • h) Rehabilitation after Surgical or Non-Surgical management.
  • i) Contributing to international literature by Research & Publications
These services have raised the bar of Dr. Raj Kanna’s knee Clinic and have made it the most sought center of treatment for knee diseases. Being strong with their commitment towards best patient care Dr. Raj Kanna is looking forward to help every needy person and grow further with their services.

Conditions Treated

  • 1) Early & Late stage arthritis (Osteo-arthrits, Rheumatoid arthritis etc.)
  • 2) Sports injuries of the knee joint (ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL and Meniscal tears)
  • 3) Twists & other domestic/ road side injuries of the knee
  • 4) Childhood & Adolescent knee problems
  • 5) Knee cap instability or dislocations
  • 6) Infection of the knee joint
  • 7) Gout and other arthritis conditions (eg. Reactive arthritis)
  • 8) Knee deformities (Bow legs and knock knees)
  • 9) Tumors around the knee joint
  • 10) Swellings and painful conditions of the knee joint
  • 11) Anterior knee pain (knee pain in the front side of the knee)
  • 12) Loose bodies and other obstacles preventing joint motion
  • 13) Stiff knees with limited movements
  • 14) Persisting pain or instability after knee replacement
  • 15) Persisting pain or instability after ligament reconstruction
  • 16) Failed previous surgeries with or without complications.
Today Kanna’s clinic is the only knee clinic in south India which embraces the most advanced computer technology to deliver remarkable results in par with international knee centers, even so at an extremely affordable price.

NABH Accreditation:

While the non-surgical management, before surgery work-up and post-surgery care are done at the clinic, the surgery itself is done at one of our tie-up hospitals. All our tie-up hospitals are NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals) certified, providing the highest levels of care with patient safety as the top priority.


